Health journey over different phases of well being

Health Journey

The stepping stones leading to a journey towards health are the glands in  the human body. Glands are the doorway between spirit and  body. In fact, glands receive messages that manifest many life-giving properties. However, it is up to each and every one  to decide what information and emotions we will feed to the glands. It has been proven that  glands respond to  spirit,  mind, emotions, and  actions. Therefore, it is important that one nourishes oneselves with knowledge and mindfulness. Subsequently, these merits will automatically pass to the glands, making health a permanent presence and imperishable flame in our lives.

The Nature of  Glands 

There are, at the very least 42 glands located within the human body. However, lets  begin this journey, by explaining the physical and spiritual aspects of some of the important ones, starting at the top of the body.

  • Angelica has been considered effective for the digestive system, for eg, indigestion, gastritis, and stomach ulcers.
  •  Anise has been considered effective for intestinal gas, runny nose, cough, and is a diuretic that increases urine flow. 
  • Camphor has been considered effective for skin conditions, improves respiratory function, and relieves pain. 
  • Chamomile has been considered effective for hay fever, muscle spasms, menstrual disorders, rheumatic pain, and hemorrhoids. 
  • Eucalyptus has been considered effective for nasal congestion, asthma, and as an insect repellent. 
  • Fennel has been considered effective for improving heart health, reducing inflammations, and suppressing appetite.
  •  Ginger has been considered effective for nausea and gastrointestinal motility, where the food does not linger longer than it should, and nausea.
  •  Jasmine has been considered effective for liver disease, cirrhosis, and severe diarrhea. 
  • Juniper has been considered effective for arthritis, diabetes, antiseptic, and autoimmune disorders. 
  • Lavender has been considered effective for anxiety, insomnia, depression, and restlessness. 
  • Lemon has been considered effective for aiding in weight loss, reducing risk of heart disease, kidney stones, and digestive issues.
  •  Lemongrass has been considered effective for high blood pressure, vomiting, cough, achy joints, and common cold.
  •  Marjoram has been considered effective for runny nose, cough, cold, and other infections. 
  • Myrrh has been considered effective for oral health, skin condition, kills parasites, and harmful bacteria. 
  • Patchouli has been considered effective for skin conditions, relieving stress, and controlling appetite.
  •  Peppermint has been considered effective for digestion, improves allergy symptoms, and improves concentration.



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